
Summary Part name:  2247.1/7 BARR ED084-1
Measurement: All parts are measured at 4 points. Once at Center and then at three points near the edge. In an f/8 beam at AOI=0
Measured 77K shift for T%:  -0.56705
Measured 77K shift for CWL:  0.45
Measured 77K shift for FWHM:  -0.1
Theoretical AOI shift 0º-5º: 1.65
(following table represents filter data at 77K & AOI = 5 degrees, ALL RAW DATA in worksheets attached))
Position center edge1 edge2 edge3 STATUS
T% 81.85 80.20 81.05 80.44 PASS
CWL(nm) 2247.4 2247.1 2247.5 2247.3 PASS
FWHM(nm) 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.7 PASS